The GamGrams

We publish the GamGram two or three times each year as an educational publication. You will find no advertising anywhere in a GamGram, nor will you find us promoting any of our products over those of other manufacturers. We offer the GamGram for educational use by schools, oil companies, and fueling companies free of charge; we simply ask for acknowledgement that we are the source if you use our material. Other businesses wishing to use the GamGram should contact us for permission.

The purpose of the GamGram is the pass on to our customers helpful ideas and useful bits of information. Our specialty is jet fuel handling so the GamGram deals almost exclusively with this subject. However, we are pleased to report that our customers who handle other fuels have found this publication very useful.

Distribution of the GamGram is free of charge to people who request it. Copies of our catalog are also available free of charge. Complete GamGram sets are also available in book form free of charge. Call to place an order.

The complete collection of English language GamGrams is available for download as a single document by clicking here. It has been formatted for easy printing.

If you are viewing this page on mobile, you may need to scroll the table to the right to access the links.

Spanish language translations were generously provided to us by our friend Jorge Muniz of Lemico Liquids Ltd. in Canada.